Understanding Beneficial Ownership Reporting

Key Takeaways:

  1. Beneficial ownership interest reporting is a compliance requirement under the Corporate Transparency Act to increase visibility into business ownership.

  2. Most small to medium-sized businesses, especially limited liability companies and C corporations with fewer than 25 employees, are obligated to report their beneficial ownership interests.

  3. The filing process involves providing basic information and supporting documentation to prove identity.

  4. Existing businesses have until January 1, 2025, to complete the initial report, while new entities have 90 days from the date of setup.

  5. Changes in ownership or contact information must be reported within 30 days.


Timestamp Summary

[0:00:05] Introduction to beneficial ownership interest reporting

[0:01:11] Compliance requirement by FinCEN under the Corporate Transparency Act

[0:02:46] Reporting requirements for limited liability companies and C corporations

[0:04:07] Information required for reporting: name, address, date of birth

[0:05:34] Deadlines for existing businesses and new entities to comply

[0:06:39] Reporting changes in ownership or personal information

[0:08:24] Future potential for AI to automate compliance processes

[0:09:40] Contact information for Allison Reif Martin, CPA

[0:10:19] Closing remarks and disclaimers

[0:10:23] Disclaimer about past performance not indicative of future performance

Powered by ReiffMartin CPA and Stone Hill Wealth Management



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Phillip Washington, Jr. is a registered investment adviser. Information presented is for educational purposes only and does not intend to make an offer or solicitation for the sale or purchase of any specific securities, investments, or investment strategies. Investments involve risk and, unless otherwise stated, are not guaranteed. Be sure to first consult with a qualified financial adviser and/or tax professional before implementing any strategy discussed herein. Past performance is not indicative of future performance.

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