The Risks and Rewards of Surge Pricing in the Fast Food Industry

Key Takeaways:

  1. Surge Pricing Debate - Surge pricing may work for some industries based on demand, but applying it to steady products like fast-food may not always be justified.

  2. Customer Retention - A significant risk of surge pricing is the potential loss of customers who may not see the added value in varying prices for the same product.

  3. Operational Excellence - A strong operational process can often negate the need for surge pricing by streamlining service delivery and maintaining consistent quality.

  4. Market Differentiation - For surge pricing to be accepted by customers, there needs to be a clear differentiator that warrants the increased cost.

  5. Universal Business Goal - All businesses aim to solve a problem for the customer, and excelling in service and delivery can set one company apart from its competitors.


Timestamp Summary

0:00:05 Introduction and disclaimer about the content

0:00:37 Phillip and Allison discuss the positive energy of springtime

0:01:53 Introduction to the topic of surge pricing

0:02:35 Wendy’s implementation of surge pricing

0:03:39 Phillip and Allison discuss the risks and rewards of surge pricing

0:07:24 Comparison of surge pricing in fast-food chains

0:08:47 Phillip mentions the secret menu at In-N-Out Burger

0:09:53 Allison and Phillip discuss the lack of motivation to pay extra for standardized products

0:10:14 Conclusion of the conversation about surge pricing

0:10:12 Is there something that justifies surge pricing?

0:10:38 What problem does your product solve?

0:11:26 How can you provide your product/service better and faster?

0:12:25 Does your product/service fulfill a great need?

0:13:05 How to align vision with operational and service experience?

Powered by ReiffMartin CPA and Stone Hill Wealth Management

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