The Age of Trillionaires: Understanding the Changing Nature of Wealth

Key Takeaways:

  1. The emergence of trillion-dollar corporations is not unlikely in the near future, as companies like Apple and Tesla grow in market value.

  2. Traditional measurements of money and wealth are influenced by "nerd math," a concept used by those in power to manipulate financial systems.

  3. Despite fluctuations and imbalances created by such systems, global wealth and resources are inherently abundant and follow natural cycles.

  4. Understanding historical patterns of wealth and the relative value of money across time frames can provide insights for modern wealth-building strategies.

  5. Transitioning to a new economy opens opportunities for investments in future technologies like autonomous driving and digital currencies.


Timestamp Summary

0:00:05 Introduction and disclaimer about investment advice

0:00:38 Introduction to the topic of the age of trillionaires

0:02:03 Discussion on the first billion dollar corporation

0:03:07 Importance of steel and energy in the 19th century industrial economy

0:05:17 Explanation of debt-based systems and money printing

0:07:01 Comparison of money to water and time

0:08:38 Discussion on the purpose of money and decision making

0:10:13 Explanation of nerd math and its impact on natural systems

0:12:52 Connection between power, wealth, and manipulation of money supply

0:14:58 Insight into the current state of global economies and the role of money printing

0:15:33 Debate on who was wealthier: Mansa Musa, King Solomon, John D. Rockefeller, or Elon Musk

0:16:31 The richest people throughout history were all relatively the same in terms of wealth

0:17:28 Perspective on the value of a trillion dollars and large companies

0:19:56 The changing economy and the potential for new opportunities to build wealth

0:20:26 The importance of understanding the preferences of the current generation

0:22:14 The mindset of Caesar and the control exerted by those in power

0:23:48 The concept of money changers and the role of centralized authorities

0:25:28 Following the flow of money and recognizing abundance

0:26:38 The age of trillionaires and the potential for companies to be worth trillions

0:27:35 Closing remarks and advice on building wealth

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Phillip Washington, Jr. is a registered investment adviser. Information presented is for educational purposes only and does not intend to make an offer or solicitation for the sale or purchase of any specific securities, investments, or investment strategies. Investments involve risk and, unless otherwise stated, are not guaranteed. Be sure to first consult with a qualified financial adviser and/or tax professional before implementing any strategy discussed herein. Past performance is not indicative of future performance.

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